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GSO Test

‘In the Moment’ Planning, Observation and Assessment Cycle

An effective in the moment planning cycle is broken down into three stages: 

  • The Child’s Spark – This is when the child first shows an interest in something. There should be an air of fascination around the object and concentration in what they are now doing.
  • The Teachable Moment – The teacher will notice this and approach the child. This is the opportunity to extend their interest, by asking open-ended questions and considering ways to apply/ extend this interest.
  • The Documentation – At a later time, the teacher can document the observation. Including the spark, the teachable moment and what they did next. This helps to map out each child’s interests, and plan an environment that works for them.

The observation, assessment and planning take place ‘in the moment’ using knowledge of the child and the understanding and skills of effective early years practitioners on how to extend/ develop their learning.