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GSO Test


"Leaders, including governors, have a bold and inclusive vision to help all children to succeed."  Ofsted May 2023


Governors work with the Headteacher and staff to ensure the best possible outcomes for children in the school.

How often do they meet?

The full Governing Body meets once every half term.

Governors work to ensure the school is getting best value from money, to consider the nursery policies as they change, to oversee the school’s budget and monitor the learning in the Nursery.  They follow a policy which promotes mutual respect for expertise and professionalism. Together with the Headteacher and staff, they welcome your views through parent and community governors, informal feedback and surveys.

The minutes of all Governing Body Meetings are available for all parents to see at the school.  If you have a problem, please talk to the child’s teacher or our Headteacher. The school has a complaints procedure that is available at the school.  The final point of contact is the Chair of Governors.

Governing Body

Co-opted Governors

Anne Battersby

Lilian Oluwakuyide

Local Authority Governors

June Gould (Chair) 

Parent Governors

Cassandra Springate

Fabiann Weare (Vice Chair)

Staff Governors

Ferliene Willis (Headteacher)

Louisa Battersby