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 We are currently looking for Parent and Co-opted Governors, and you will find more information on this below. 

Parent and Co-opted Governors

Woodcroft needs parents on the governing body and we will be having Parent Governor elections during the Autumn term. Parents at the nursery will be receiving nomination forms soon so please fill one in and return to the school office if you are interested. You are an important group of stakeholders, and it is vital that you are represented.

The governing body is a friendly group of people interested in Woodcroft, I enjoy my time as a member of the governing body and find it very rewarding.

Below I have tried to answer some questions that are often asked about becoming a Governor.

Do I need experience? 

No experience is necessary, you just need to be interested. Governors are inducted and can shadow an experienced Governor on initial visits to the school. We also have a secure governor’s area on the Woodcroft website with lots of information and training is available. 

Do I need to know anything about a school? 

It is important that our governing body has representatives with a range of different experiences and backgrounds as it allows us to look at things from different perspectives.  

How will I know what to do? 

Most Governors spend the first meeting watching and listening without saying much at all, but we encourage you to ask questions if you do not understand or are unsure of anything and to participate in the discussions when you feel ready.

How much time will it take up? 

One daytime meeting per term which usually includes a visit or training so can last 3 to 4 hours in total plus one evening meeting which lasts 2 to 3 hours. 

Altogether, that is only about 7 hours each term.

The term of office is normally for 2 years.

We also need a co-opted Governor; Co-opted Governors are members of the community that are interested in the education of young children. It is very similar to a Parent Governor, but they do not need to have children in school or any affiliation to Woodcroft. The term of office is normally 4 years. If you know of anyone that might be interested, please let our Headteacher Ferliene Willis or myself know.

I hope that you will consider volunteering as a Parent Governor. If you are unsure and/or would like more information or to discuss this, then please do not hesitate to contact Ferliene or email me at ros@woodcroft-nur.essex.sch.uk. We look forward to welcoming new Governors soon. 

Ros McIntosh                                                                

Chair of Governors