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Admissions, Funding & Fees

All 3 & 4-year-olds are entitled to 15 funded hours per week (term time) Please see our useful links to see if you are entitled to 2 year funding or 30 hours funding.


If you would like to apply for a place at Woodcroft, please fill in the Expression of Interest form on the link below or ring the office on 01245 473222 to book in for a New Families visit, we will then arrange for you to have a tour of the Nursery and be given a prospectus and the relevant paperwork to fill out in order to be placed on our waiting list.

Places in Big Woodcroft, start the term after your child turns three. Places in Little Woodcroft are normally from the beginning of the term after your child is two, but in exceptional circumstances and subject to availability this can be from their second birthday.

Once you are on our waiting list there is no need to do anything.  We will contact you ½ a term before your child is due to start to arrange visits.   Do phone us if you have any queries or questions, we are always happy to help.

Expression of Interest

Additional paid for sessions are also available:

Prices and Times                                    From September 2024

  • Family/ Toddler Group - £2.00 for 2 hours
  • Core Sessions (8.45-11.45am) & (12.45-3.45pm) Woodcroft £22.50
  • Core Sessions (8.45-11.45am) & (12.45-3.45pm) Little Woodcroft £22.50
  • Breakfast club (7.45-8.45am) £8.00 (including breakfast)
  • Lunch Club (11.45-12.45pm) £7.50
  • Afterschool Club (1 hr) - £7.50
  • Afterschool Club (2 hrs- including hot snack)- £16.00
  • Snack charge £0.20 per session
  • Special Fund (voluntary contribution) - £40 per term  (3 terms per year)
  • Late Collection Fine- If you are regularly late collecting your child or are more than 15 minutes late collecting, you will be charged for the additional session entered as well as a  penalty fine of £20. 

BACS Direct Payment details

Bank:   Co-operative Bank, 11 Market Road, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1XW

Account Name: Woodcroft Nursery School

Account No: 50120134

Sort code: 08-90-04

Please note:  It is essential that you use your child's surname as a reference to enable us to track payment.  Thank you.